Artist: Mana Hewitt | Location: Columbia, South Carolina
December 7 - January 5, 2019
Though my thoughts may offend they are the foundation of where these works emanated from. Females learn when they are very young societies lessons of place. My introduction to societal gender norms came in elementary school. Girls weren’t allowed to be bus patrols or run the projector, that was a boy’s job. Girls could sweep and clap the erasers, eating dust became a metaphor for being left behind. These little insults fester, they reside in the psyche throughout our lives. But as my life has progressed an idea percolating deep within my thoughts was unleashed. I wanted to recognize women and their struggle to be heard. Historically men have received medals for service and bravery. I have chosen to create a series of commemorative medals in recognition of the courage and perseverance of women who have challenged societal perceptions and worked to improve conditions for all. They are intended familiarize and instruct, lest we forget the women that have forged a path to give us voice today.
Note: This exhibition finished hanging on January 5, 2019.
Mana Hewitt
Columbia, South Carolina
Mana Hewitt is on the faculty of the University of South Carolina’s School of Visual Art and Design where she serves as Undergraduate Director and teaches Jewelry-making. She holds a BA and MFA from University of South Carolina. Although her studio practice is rooted in jewelry and metalsmithing, her work varies in media, scale and execution – ranging from jewelry to sculpture to painting. Her work is included in numerous collections including the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art, the Arkansas Arts Center, the SCANA Corporation, First Citizens Bank Headquarters, the Columbia Museum of Art, the South Carolina State Museum, and the Federal Reserve. Among numerous awards, she received the South Carolina Arts Commission Artist Fellowship in Crafts, was named a Southern Arts Foundation Artist, and was included in 100 Southern Artists, and 2018 JAMS.
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